Saturday, January 30, 2010

This is a test! My

This is a test! My mobile posts have been appearing as gibberish!

Maybe no different than my regular ones!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It Is Alive!!!!

Well...not really!

I do feel a bit Frankensteinish about it though!!

There is something quite satisfying about working on a project and seeing it come to its completed stage.

This Remington 700 has turned out even better than I expected. It is quite exceptional to be able to shoot a long range rifle in an accurate fashion, with clear and bright optics, and not even have to wear hearing protection.

I do have to admit, the suppressor is not my own...rather a twin brother to mine. Mine is at my Class 3 dealer, awaiting word from ATF that I am not a criminal!

Hope they decide soon!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

SHOT Show!!

I didn't get to go!!!

I am sorry, it sounds like a ton of fun was missed.

Tons of new firearms stuff.....Bushmaster being raped over the price of their new and VERY long awaited ACR rifle......Larue Tacticals new OBR Lite (and Mark Larue's magnetic attraction of juvenile idiots :))....a 500 S&W levergun......a Kel-Tec 22 Magnum pistol.....and rumors of a XD-45M from Springfield!

Oh, the next time SHOT is in Vegas....I will be there!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It Is Official!

Our Governor is an idiot!

Excuse my bluntness....but honestly!

We have an estimated $500 Million deficit in our State budget.

He is proposing pay cuts and up to 15 days without pay for State workers. He is proposing tax increases and cuts in emergency services.

And in the next breath....proposes 5 new social initiatives, one of which is recognition of Domestic Partnerships, which will have an estimated cost of over $100 Million!!

That folks, is tax and spend economics at its worst!

Monday, January 18, 2010

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Friday, January 15, 2010

SPELLING BEE! I have decided


I have decided that the spelling bee is an invention of sadistic minds used to torture parents!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Redfield Is Back!

If you are of the middle age variety as I may remember when Redfield scopes were the choice of many hunters.

John Redfield started the company over 100 years ago, and it became known for high quality scopes that could be depended on in the field. Over the years, and through a few different owners, the company began to fail. Eventually, it ceased to exist in any form other than name in the late 1990's.

Recently, the name was purchased by Leupold Optics. Leupold is a name well known to hunters and shooters today. Their scopes are of excellent quality and clarity, and are warranteed for life.

Leupold has now brought out the Redfield line once again. It will be available in a limited line of hunting scopes, and at a very attractive price point.

The real swell part of this is the Redfield line will be manufactured on the Leupold line in Oregon.
Under the same standards and quality control as the Leupold brand. What is amazing is the Redfield debut will be at a suggested retail of $150!!

A high quality optic warranteed by Leupold for less than $150!

I am there!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Adios My Friend!

My good friend lost his battle with cancer on Friday.

I will miss you Phil!

The message I received from his brother says it all.....

Phillip Hines, hunter, friend, hunting buddy, dog lover, musician, narc agent, marksman, Coast Guardsman, uncle, neighbor, fly fisherman, and most of all the best little brother in the world left to pick up Simba at the Rainbow Bridge and be with the Lord forever last night. I can't tell you how much I miss him already.
Eternal Father Lord of hosts,
Watch o'er all those who guard our coasts.
Protect them from the raging seas,
And give them light and life and peace.
Grant them from thy great throne above,
The shield and shelter of thy love.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thanks to Mark and the folks at Larue Tactical!
The coolest ornament ever comes from them!

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Friday, January 8, 2010


The flu has found me!

I have felt worse....but not much!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Great Days!

Been a bunch lately!

I am blessed with a wonderful wife and great children! We have spent much of their "Winter Break" watching movies, playing games, and eating good food, as a family.

We also have some of my wife's family from Maine visiting. They are a blast! They are a bit more experienced than us in life, but we sit and talk, and laugh for hours!

This is what is important.