Sunday, November 13, 2011


I was told by one of co-workers that I was a cheater because I mounted a red dot optic on my duty carbine.....

I was a little taken aback by this. Not because I felt like a cheater, but because he thought carrying that carbine was some sort of game!

If I have to use that firearm, or any firearm while on duty, things are WAY bad! There is no pause or reset like in a videogame.

Why would I not give myself every advantage to win the fight!??

I will cheat or be less macho and go home to my family....he can be more manly and take his chances!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You!

No matter the service, or the location, I am thankful for each and every veteran!

God Bless you all!

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The boy and I played hooky from church sunday and went to a 22LR competition.

First and foremost, it was time spent with my son. Awesome at any activity! But after that, it is a way to continue my love of shooting sports through my offspring.

The boy shot so well, I was a bit concerned for my Dad status!

He is too young to be getting better than Dad!

The first question after the match was.....Dad, when can I have my own AR15 in 22LR???

Gosh....that is a measure of success in my book!

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Saturday, October 29, 2011


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Feels Good

In my everyday duties, I have certain weapons that I am issued or have chosen to carry.
These weapons are tools which complete a specific task.
They are reliable, practical, and...boring!

While visiting my local gunshop today, I handled a number of different weapons.
Some classic, some new technology.

What struck me most was the way two of these weapons felt.
A classic 1911 was like an extension of my own hand. It just fit!
It felt like it belonged.

A Marlin 1894 lever just came to my shoulder like it had known me for years! It swings right and left like it is on ball bearings.

I depend on certain weapons daily because they do the job. But some weapons do that job with class.

As my friend Urbie put it this week.
" An AR15 is a tool for a purpose. But a lever gun is just sexy!!"
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Tactical Lever Gun

Well... A friend at work has got me on the hunt for a Marlin 1894!

Going to pick up a .357 model and send it off for some fine tuning.

My friend should have his back from the gunsmith in a week or so, at which time I will post some photos.

I am thinking of XS Sights rail and iron sights, some form of holo sight, and a Gunkote finish!

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Job Saving Bill????/

The latest propoganda is that the proposed job bill will save 300,000 teachers and firefighters jobs! The estimated cost is $38 billion annually!!

Okey the math on that folks!!

That is $127,000 per job saved!!
I know a lot of teachers and firefighters...and none of them make near that much per year!!

How about we scrap the bill and just give them that money directly!

I bet they will spend it more wisely than the Gubmint!!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Occupied Work Today!!

It is not media popular, or outside the box...but someone has to pay those taxes to fund unemployment and college tuition!!
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Monday, October 17, 2011

9mm Is My Friend!

For economic and pain reasons....My recreational shooting will be dosed heavily with the 9mm caliber!

Rather than buy a new pistol, I am giving a Lone Wolf Conversion barrel a try. It ran me $100.00 delivered from Midway USA.
I am also going to give the KCI Korean Glock magazines a go. I picked up three from CDNN for around $25.00 delivered!

It looks good in the all black Glock I use for pistol shoots. Well, once you get past the cartoonish wolf head on the top of the chamber area!

I ran 50 rounds through it just for a safety and function check. No problems at all! A much more extensive test will follow.

So far...very pleased!!
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tactical Tupperware!

Transitioned back to the Glock as my carry weapon yesterday!

Some hate the plastic wonder...some really hate it... as for me...I just shoot the darn thing well!!

And that is by far the most important thing for a duty weapon!
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Sunday, October 9, 2011


A relative invited me to join him in the ongoing protest against
" corporate greed".
He has been protesting for two weeks...I asked him what exactly he was which he answered the loss of jobs and high salaries of corporate leaders.

The irony???? He is unemployed... He is receiving unemployment benefits....he turned down a job interview so he could be at the protest!!!!

Wonder how many of the other protesters are in similar situations!!!

Seriously people!!!
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Is Alive!!

Seriously!!!..... I mean it this time!!!.....Really!
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Monday, May 23, 2011

Still Here!

Silly false prophets! End of the world is for God to know!!
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

S&W Bodyguard

Took the new .380 out for a quick spin....owch!

Been a while since I ran a pocket .380 with full power loads. It did function flawlessly, and shot to point of aim on iron sights.

The laser was 4 or 5 inches low at 15 yards. May be right on at a few feet, but that not need sights or lasers!
Will adjust the laser in the near future and test more. Wind was cold today!!!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ruger 1911???????

It would appear that Ruger is entering the 1911 market.
There is already the usual gnashing of teeth and Ruger hate ramping up.

As for me, I predict another gun of the year award, which has become quite common for Ruger.

If it is reasonable in price.....I will add one to my collection!!

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Please celebrate responsibly and return home safely!
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Friday, March 4, 2011


I will be glad to help you figure out how to share those billions of dollars!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where Oh Where Have My Magazines Gone!!??

I guess we are in another panic buying season.

Despite the fact there would seem to be little chance of any new gun control measures taking affect, it would appear the rush on "high" capacity magazine buying has begun.

Though it should not have taken me by did!

After looking online to get some more Pmags for my .308 AR.... I found none to be had! Everyone was out of them! the interest of research...looked for magazines for my Saiga 12. Gone for the most part.
There were some 20 round drums available, but the long standing sale price was gone!

I highly believe in being prepared for the long haul in all things firearms, but come on people!

Guess I better see if I am low on any type of ammo...I suspect the shortage is coming again!!!

Gotta love the Dems...they sell a lot of gun stuff!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Booze,Guns, and Ten Year Olds!!

Alcohol is the world’s largest killer of humans!

So says a recent report by WHO, the World Health Organization. According to this report,
Deaths by alcohol related causes number approximately 2.5 million yearly!!

Now, I don’t care what your cause is, or what concerns you….that is a lot of people!

For comparison, Chicago is a city of around 2.8 million, so that would equate to almost entirely wiping out the city of Chicago’s inhabitants each year!

So…..what is the big deal about that….????

Well, here is my thought. Obviously, alcohol is evil and a killer. It turns normally healthy and well behaved citizens into raving lunatics and murders.
It makes accomplished drivers drive the wrong way on highways and crash into school bus loads of children. It makes peace loving people attack their neighbors and coworkers!

Yes, all of these things have and do happen due to alcohol use!

So, should we make people undergo a background check before allowing purchase of alcoholic product?
Should we limit the size of bottles and cans to a smaller capacity so it makes it harder to drink excessively?
Should we limit the means by which people are able to obtain the evil liquid?

Perhaps we should just ban the sale and possession of alcohol entirely???

What? We tried that during the Prohibition years and it failed miserably? Even causing the greatest growth in organized crime and violence in our countries history???


Yes, I am being quite sarcastic here. I am well aware that banning alcohol or limiting its ease of access does nothing to control its abuse.

Use and abuse of alcohol is based solely on the actions of the humans consuming the alcohol. That seems logical and apparent to even the dimmest of people.

So why then, do so many politicians, media talking heads( yes you Matt Lauer), and left wing “citizens” seem to apply my joking remedies to violence perpetrated by evil men on the inanimate firearm!!??

Because, in the long run, Gun Control has nothing to do with guns. It is actually People Control! It is a means to attempt a modification of behavior that those I mentioned find unacceptable.

In general, statistics show gun owners are the type who are based in family values, belief in God, and supportive of “proper behavior”. They are hard working, tax paying, and rarely have a criminal record of any type.
In other words, groups of people who the evil inherent in firearms has not seemed to corrupt!

It seems so logical to not attack a non living object. Yet that is the consistent cry from so many whenever we hear of an incident of violence involving a firearm.

Shouldn’t the person wielding the firearm bear the responsibility of his actions!?

I have been a gun owner for over 30 years.
I have yet to go on any type of killing spree, perform a drive by, rob a bank, or snipe at school children!
By the same token, I have ready access to alcohol, yet have not been arrested for DWI or been the cause of an alcohol related vehicle crash. I have yet to drink myself into a coma, beat my wife and children because of a drunken stupor (or sober stupor for that matter), or been in medical danger from a lifetime of drinking.

I have been a law enforcement officer for near 15 years.
I have dealt with and arrested a boatload of humans. The VAST majority of those had no firearm in their possession! Yet a large percentage of them were under the influence of alcohol!! See a pattern here people!!

Use your brain! Think about it simply!
We tried banning a product completely, due to people claiming it was inherently evil. Rather than forcing people to take responsibility for their own actions.

It led to the greatest increase in the use and trafficking of the banned product in the history of our country……likely the world!

Why then do we constantly cry for limits or bans on firearms, rather than holding those responsible for their use…or abuse??!!

I wish I knew!

So, when you think about my statement of those 2.5 million in Chicago being wiped out yearly…consider this……

Chicago has one of the highest firearms related crime rates in the country. Chicago also has one of the strictest set of gun control laws in the country!!

If you can’t figure out the irony there…ask a 10 year old! I did….she immediately told me that, obviously…the gun control laws increased crime!!!!

I am not a prohibitionist on alcohol. I enjoy an adult beverage occasionally.

I used alcohol as an example, because we know its use can kill humans. The use of a firearm can do the same!

Blame the user, not the inanimate object!!! Even a ten year old could figure that out!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man it is seriously freezing out there!

Got down to -1 degrees this morning! That broke a record from over 100 years ago. I am pretty sure I can wait another 100 years to see that temperature again!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside!

Snowing, which is rare....single digits, which is rare....stupid driver,which is not!
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

What a day!

My son shot in his first ever organized competition today. Besides the fact he did great..... It was time well spent just being with my boy.

I can't believe that tiny baby is now a twelve year old boy! I am so blessed to be his Dad!

If some of the ignorant whiners out there who blame guns for violence would take one day and hang out at a shoot like this......I would be willing to bet they would have a quite different view.

Good clean fun....good people....good times!
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Friday, January 28, 2011

ATF 's Latest Boondoggle!

I was going to vent on the ATF ruling on shotguns and their use for "sporting purposes"..... but for now....

Michael Bane had a very good summary....

Friday, January 21, 2011

Simple Things!

Spent a great two or three hours with a good friend this afternoon. Stories of men at war were discussed. Jokes about men at work were shared. All this in a truck while driving through a desert.

Sometimes, the place matters little!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Really??!! Are you serious!???

It just baffles me that a new gun control bill is being introduced in Washington!

Are there really still some elected officials that think that is a solution to anything!? Who votes for these idiots!? Let me guess...they are from heavy entitlement districts!!!??

I don't think they will get much support....yet ....who knows!!??

Time to contact some elected officials and remind them what happened to morons during the mid-term elections!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hmmmm...very odd looking print!
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wringing of hands..........

Honestly! Can't people just accept that there are nuts out there not controlled by evil mind control!?
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Friday, January 14, 2011


Just a few small minutes in time make a huge difference in our lives.

Often, it is our choice how those minutes are spent, and thusly, how they affect our lives.

Today, I spent some of those minutes with friends. The time was spent reinforcing the many positive aspects of our lives, and forgetting for a while any negatives.

Oddly enough, it turned out to be an exceptionally good day!
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

And we are off!

Starting the year off right with an addition to the evil black rifle herd!
If it looks a bit different than the has a bigger hole in the exit port!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Android test

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Been almost a year....going to try this again......we shall see...