Saturday, October 29, 2011


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Feels Good

In my everyday duties, I have certain weapons that I am issued or have chosen to carry.
These weapons are tools which complete a specific task.
They are reliable, practical, and...boring!

While visiting my local gunshop today, I handled a number of different weapons.
Some classic, some new technology.

What struck me most was the way two of these weapons felt.
A classic 1911 was like an extension of my own hand. It just fit!
It felt like it belonged.

A Marlin 1894 lever just came to my shoulder like it had known me for years! It swings right and left like it is on ball bearings.

I depend on certain weapons daily because they do the job. But some weapons do that job with class.

As my friend Urbie put it this week.
" An AR15 is a tool for a purpose. But a lever gun is just sexy!!"
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Tactical Lever Gun

Well... A friend at work has got me on the hunt for a Marlin 1894!

Going to pick up a .357 model and send it off for some fine tuning.

My friend should have his back from the gunsmith in a week or so, at which time I will post some photos.

I am thinking of XS Sights rail and iron sights, some form of holo sight, and a Gunkote finish!

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Job Saving Bill????/

The latest propoganda is that the proposed job bill will save 300,000 teachers and firefighters jobs! The estimated cost is $38 billion annually!!

Okey the math on that folks!!

That is $127,000 per job saved!!
I know a lot of teachers and firefighters...and none of them make near that much per year!!

How about we scrap the bill and just give them that money directly!

I bet they will spend it more wisely than the Gubmint!!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Occupied Work Today!!

It is not media popular, or outside the box...but someone has to pay those taxes to fund unemployment and college tuition!!
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Monday, October 17, 2011

9mm Is My Friend!

For economic and pain reasons....My recreational shooting will be dosed heavily with the 9mm caliber!

Rather than buy a new pistol, I am giving a Lone Wolf Conversion barrel a try. It ran me $100.00 delivered from Midway USA.
I am also going to give the KCI Korean Glock magazines a go. I picked up three from CDNN for around $25.00 delivered!

It looks good in the all black Glock I use for pistol shoots. Well, once you get past the cartoonish wolf head on the top of the chamber area!

I ran 50 rounds through it just for a safety and function check. No problems at all! A much more extensive test will follow.

So far...very pleased!!
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tactical Tupperware!

Transitioned back to the Glock as my carry weapon yesterday!

Some hate the plastic wonder...some really hate it... as for me...I just shoot the darn thing well!!

And that is by far the most important thing for a duty weapon!
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Sunday, October 9, 2011


A relative invited me to join him in the ongoing protest against
" corporate greed".
He has been protesting for two weeks...I asked him what exactly he was which he answered the loss of jobs and high salaries of corporate leaders.

The irony???? He is unemployed... He is receiving unemployment benefits....he turned down a job interview so he could be at the protest!!!!

Wonder how many of the other protesters are in similar situations!!!

Seriously people!!!
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Is Alive!!

Seriously!!!..... I mean it this time!!!.....Really!
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