Monday, April 27, 2009

What A Schedule!

We have baseball/softball practice or games five days a week at two seperate locations. Plus gymnastics one night a week.

Church events another four days/nights a week. Had firearms qualifications already, and my bi-annual PT test coming up tomorrow. A request from the Eastern part of the State will have me driving four hours each way for a day, to assist on some super secret work issues.

I am loving all the events involving family, the work stuff not so much! Well, firearms was pretty cool!

God must be helping accomplish all this....'cause I 'aint man enough to do it all on my own!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ted Nugent Rocks!!

Ya! He does play a mean guitar.... but that is not my statements focus. He is the type of man our Founding Fathers were!

Read and be proud he is on our side!

An Uncle Ted opinion piece from US News....

Water, water, everywhere water. Know it, embrace it, manage it, or drown. Same goes for cars, trucks, chainsaws, knives, crowbars, blowtorches, and guns. Based on the inept, clumsy, irresponsible failure of brain-dead, uncoordinated numbnuts, I will not be denied the pragmatic, functional utility of anything.
I will not drown, nor will I drink and drive, chainsaw-massacre anyone, stumble, slice, burn, or shoot myself, nor will I ever hold up a bank. So the best advice would be to think, improvise, adapt, and overcome, man up, but by all means, leave me the hell alone. You don't ban electric guitars just because someone may have a lapse in logic, goodwill, and decency and spontaneously break out into country and western music. The vast majority of sensible people will use electric guitars as God intended and whip out good, sexy rock-n-roll licks.
I need my water, cars, trucks, chainsaws, knives, crowbars, blowtorches, and guns. I have mastered them all; they are all wonderful ingredients for my American Dream of rugged individualism, declared independence, and self-sufficiency. They all serve me well, and I am not giving any of them up. Ever.
The masses must never be controlled for the sake of the lunatic fringe. Remember "Don't Tread on Me"? Don't.
America has spoken. With guns and ammo sales and concealed weapons permits surging at unprecedented rates, never in the history of mankind have more people possessed more firepower and most significantly, carried more concealed weapons on their persons than today across America. And as FBI crime reports and law enforcement and academic studies conclude, the self-evident truth is that more guns clearly equals less crime. Where there are more guns per capita, violent crime goes down, particularly crimes of assault, like rape, burglary, and robbery. This is good.
It is indeed Ted Kennedy's gun ban dream of GunFreeZones that have proven to be the guaranteed slaughter zones where the most innocent lives are lost. Think Columbine, VA Tech, Lane Bryant, NW IL University, Luby's Cafeteria, NJ, Salt Lake City, and Omaha malls, Calgary University, Toronto, Chicago, Boston, Flight 93, the mayor's office in San Francisco, ad nauseam. Peace and love will get you killed, and unarmed helplessness is bad. Unless of course your anthem goes baaa..... baaa...... baaa.
So why in God's good name would any human being wish to force unarmed helplessness on another? That level of cruel indecency and forced victimization is incomprehensible to me and about 100,000,000 Americans who own guns. Self-defense is the most powerful, driving instinct of good people everywhere. To deny this is evil personified. Write this down—GunFreeZones are a felon's playgrounds. Ban GunFreeZones now.
Good people don't want the rapist to succeed. We want him dead. We don't want our homes invaded. We want invaders dead. We don't like carjackers. We like them dead. We don't like armed robbers. We like them dead.
We have examined all the evidence we need to know that calling 911 is a joke, unless of course they bring a dustpan and a mop to clean up the dead monster we just shot while protecting our family.
The choice is clear: Gun control as forced by the Chuck Schumers of the world is complicit in every violent crime committed. Conversely, gun control a la Ted Nugent is putting the second shot through the same hole as the first shot, where innocent lives are saved and recidivistic maggots come to a screeching halt, felled by the lovely ballet of good over evil we call the Double Tap Center Mass Boogie. Learn it, know it, love it, shoot it. Good guys should live, bad guys not so much.
It is reassuring, and ultimately convenient, that fresh from escaping the scourges of tyranny, slavery, kings, and emperors, our brilliant, sensible Founding Fathers knew it was important to write down the self-evident truth that the right to self-defense is surely a God-given individual right to keep and bear arms. Write this down, too—"keep" means it is mine, you can't have it. "Bear" means I've got them right here on me. "Shall not be infringed" echoes that beautiful "Don't Tread On Me" chorus.
I like the U.S. Constitution and our sacred Bill of Rights but, quite frankly, I don't really need them in order to know in my heart and soul the list of self-evident truths therein. Those came from thinking, common-sense men who refused to be helpless, dependent slaves to anyone or anything. These truths are all burned forever on my soul. I live them, no matter what.

Meanwhile, in order to stop the drowning and murders, I will work on banning water; Obama can try to ban guns. Good luck.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Birds Of A Feather!!!

Our Prez, and Socialist America hater Hugo Chavez!

While our media crew, hailed this as a fine example of how we are progressing as a country since the Obamanator took over... I see it as a very telling view of where our country is heading.

I am sure that we will become much closer to the Chavez administration. Since he and our leader have much the same political views!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nature Stinks!

Well... not nature in general, just some of it!

This photo was snapped by a brave friend on a recent shooting outing. The critter was not the least bit concerned about us. At one point even rolling over on his back, and rubbing on some brush.

Being outdoors is cool!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Is Risen Indeed!

Today, is the celebration of the resurrection of The Saviour !
Without whom, I would be lost!
Thank you Lord!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Note To Nancy Pelosi....

Be aware... gunowners are not all stupid!

You have stated that you realize gun control bills will lose Democratic control in Congress.....

So you escalate to suggesting gun registration as common sense!!!??

That is just a Liberal prelude to Gun Confiscation.

If you were worried about losing control of Congress.... you just jumped off the exit door over a cliff!!!

My reps email inbox lit up from my send box after that "common sense" statement!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pirates of the Somalian!?

As I watched the news this morning, one of the top stories was of a U.S. registered ship being attacked by pirates. This has been occurring more and more frequently as of late.

The attacks are taking place off the coast of Somalia. These pirates operate in speedboats launched from larger "motherships". The pirates tend to be able to attack and overrun even huge supertankers and freighters. They then take cargo, and often hold hostages for ransom.

As most well know, Somalia is a country in almost complete anarchy. The poorest of poor are starved and for all purposes slaves to the select few who run certain clans. These clans run roughshod over whomever they choose because they are well armed and have no opposition.

As time has passed, these groups have essentially run out of resources to steal within their own country. They have now begun these piracy attacks on the shipping off their coast. Though it would seem odd that a speedboat full of pirates can take control of such large freighters and their crews, what must be realized is just how well armed these pirates are. We are talking, true full auto AK-47 assault rifles, RPG's and launchers, and by reports, even some anti-tank weapons of fairly advanced technology.

So, why should we care about this??
Well, I find a quite ironic twist to these attacks.

The ships and their crews are forbidden to arm themselves by law! As are the inhabitants of Somalia. Not so much by law, but by the mere fact that those in power keep them from arming themselves. A fine example of how well a gun control plan works in my view! The pirates and warlord run clans, are well aware of who is armed and who is not!

So, for those of you that think we would be safer without our right to bear arms, and to self protect ourselves and families, then please consider this piracy tale. It appears calling 911 is not the answer to all bad events in Somalia either!

And further, though our new U.S. Attorney General would likely try to convince you differently, I doubt much that these pirates are garnering their arms from the U.S.! Much as I have spoken about the Mexican drug cartels receiving their grenades and guns from our country! In fact, I would suspect many of the arms sellers could be personal friends of cartel and pirate alike!

So, cliche or not, if the honest citizen is denied the right to self protection, the dishonest man will arm himself and take advantage of the situation. Ask the enslaved inhabitants of Somalia, and the shipping interests off the Somalian coast how safe their lives are!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Patriots Update...........

The fine book peaked at #7 on Amazon's overall sales list!

This is a fantastic accomplishment for a book of this type. Especially against the big publishing house backed books it beat out.

Outstanding JWR!!!

Today is "book bomb" Day for James Wesley Rawles book, Patriots!

The intent is to make a statement and move this outstanding novel into the Top 10 of Amazon book sales. It makes a strong statement about we as gun owners, patriots, preppers, and Christians!

Whatever your views, I strongly recommend this book to all. It is a great read, but is packed with tons of true preparedness information. I have read my copy numerous times, but will be buying additional copies to give to friends and family!

Good Luck and God Bless, JWR!

Monday, April 6, 2009

One of the Best Purchases I Ever Made!

Due to the much talked of ammunition shortages, as well as the increase in price, I am looking at different practice options!

I recently purchased a CMMG 22lr conversion for the AR-15 rifle from Brownell's. This kit comes with the 22lr bolt assembly and a Black Dog Machine 22lr magazine.

All that is needed is to push out the rear detent pin of the AR-15, slide out the 5.56 bolt, and replace it with the CMMG bolt assembly. You then replace the rear pin and the conversion is complete.

The BDM magazine is stated to hold 26 rounds, though I generally load around 20 just because of my impatience! Insert the magazine and pull the standard charging handle back and release, and you are locked and loaded

I have now run around 500 to 600 rounds through the conversion. It has functioned flawlessly with both Federal copper plated and Winchester copper plated ammo. It is also a tremendous amount of fun!

There is something very liberating about firing rounds that cost 5 cents rather than 50 cents out of my AR. It is just plain intoxicating! I have done a large amount of plinking in the front yard, but have also used the conversion to weed out some over-abundant rabbit population. The conversion works great for both.

As either pure luck or by plan, I don't know which, the scope on my Varmint AR, hits to point of aim at 50 yards with the conversion. I have it sighted in at 200 yards for the 5.56 caliber.

If you have a desire to get some cheap trigger time with your black rifle, or just want to increase the fun factor, I highly suggest you check out the CMMG 22lr conversion.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ted,White, And Blue!

The Ted Nugent Manifesto!

I just finished reading it! Ted, you most definitely rock!!!!!

I had no idea that Ted was so well spoken, and shared my views and values so closely!

If you love America, and feel like we have lost our way as patriotic citizens, READ THIS BOOK!!

I will be passing my copy on to my family to read, and suggesting strongly that my friends buy a copy!

Thank you Uncle Ted!!

Mexican Drug Cartels Are Getting Their Guns From U.S.!

I can not remember the last time my intelligence was quite as insulted. The Obummer crowd is recycling this over and over in the media.

They have even paraded the statement that 90% of all seized weapons in Mexico are being traced to the United States. This is complete and utter nonsense!

They expect us to believe that billion dollar drug cartels are sending straw purchasers to the U.S. to buy weapons one at a time and then smuggle them back to Mexico! Sure!
The cartels have the funds and the contacts to buy full auto weapons, grenades, and RPG's by the boatload. And I am supposed to believe they are stopping at Wal-Mart to get weapons!
How stupid do they think we are?!

Take it from one who lives and works on the Mexican border....
I have some weapons in my truck that you can't purchase at any gun store in the U.S...... and I am seriously outgunned by even the smallest cartel!!!

Blatant Liars!