Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pirates of the Somalian!?

As I watched the news this morning, one of the top stories was of a U.S. registered ship being attacked by pirates. This has been occurring more and more frequently as of late.

The attacks are taking place off the coast of Somalia. These pirates operate in speedboats launched from larger "motherships". The pirates tend to be able to attack and overrun even huge supertankers and freighters. They then take cargo, and often hold hostages for ransom.

As most well know, Somalia is a country in almost complete anarchy. The poorest of poor are starved and for all purposes slaves to the select few who run certain clans. These clans run roughshod over whomever they choose because they are well armed and have no opposition.

As time has passed, these groups have essentially run out of resources to steal within their own country. They have now begun these piracy attacks on the shipping off their coast. Though it would seem odd that a speedboat full of pirates can take control of such large freighters and their crews, what must be realized is just how well armed these pirates are. We are talking, true full auto AK-47 assault rifles, RPG's and launchers, and by reports, even some anti-tank weapons of fairly advanced technology.

So, why should we care about this??
Well, I find a quite ironic twist to these attacks.

The ships and their crews are forbidden to arm themselves by law! As are the inhabitants of Somalia. Not so much by law, but by the mere fact that those in power keep them from arming themselves. A fine example of how well a gun control plan works in my view! The pirates and warlord run clans, are well aware of who is armed and who is not!

So, for those of you that think we would be safer without our right to bear arms, and to self protect ourselves and families, then please consider this piracy tale. It appears calling 911 is not the answer to all bad events in Somalia either!

And further, though our new U.S. Attorney General would likely try to convince you differently, I doubt much that these pirates are garnering their arms from the U.S.! Much as I have spoken about the Mexican drug cartels receiving their grenades and guns from our country! In fact, I would suspect many of the arms sellers could be personal friends of cartel and pirate alike!

So, cliche or not, if the honest citizen is denied the right to self protection, the dishonest man will arm himself and take advantage of the situation. Ask the enslaved inhabitants of Somalia, and the shipping interests off the Somalian coast how safe their lives are!

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