Saturday, February 7, 2009

What A Week!

This has been a week of extreme highs and very deep lows.

I started the week by having to put down one of my dogs. She was over 14 years old, and had been a faithful and delightful companion. It was time though. Her quality of life was dropping rapidly and she was in pain. I miss her much, and my son is taking the loss very hard.

That same day, I received a call from a dear friend. He had undergone surgery recently for removal of a cancerous kidney. He called to tell me that his visit with the oncologist had resulted in a cancer free report! Praise the Lord!

Also this week, the washing machine went dead. Now, some things around here we can do without. Since I very much want to live with a happy wife, the washer is not one of those things!

A number of other small crisis resulted this week as well. It was to the point where the lows were winning out. I have been grumpy and moody.

Then my daughter hugs me and tells me, " I love you Daddy"!

All is better now!

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